Art is a key to understanding and enjoying who I am and who I wish to be in my relationship to myself and to others. It's a portal to communications which lead us to understand each other in new ways. My art is an expression of who I am, an exercise in creation, a meditation on manifestation. a tool to aid me to better understand who, where, and why I am. ~Erik
Artist Bio Erik Kuykendall, native Texan, born 05/26/67. Digital artist, painter, photographer and father.
The process of creation and the discussions generated when people view those creations thrill him.
Erik's works are visionary explorations of what surrounds and fills us or what might. Erik's desire is that people will talk about his work with the person next to them and disagree, agree, laugh, and maybe even touch each other before continuing on their journey. The fractal nature of the universe captures his imagination, as well as the juxtaposition of expressing the beauty in and of nature using technological methods. Erik owned Gallery Lucid, Austin's first visionary and psychedelic art gallery from 2017-2020 bringing attention to a growing collective of artists in those genres. For this show, his work is displayed on white metal Dibond panels and based on themes of nature, mathematics, and social structures.